Cara Daftar Tsc

Cara daftar komunitas cug telkomsel CUG adalah singkatan dari Closed User Group; sebuah layanan dari Telkomsel yang diperuntukkan bagi komunitas seperti halnya TSC (Telkomsel School Community), TMC (Telkomsel Mobile Campus), partai, perusahaan, ormas, komunitas keagamaan, keluarga besar, fansclub, dll. Gabung di TSC dan nikmati tarif GPRS murah Rp 1/Kb dan Rp 2/kB setelah pemakaian 700kB. Discount Flash 50% serta ikuti kegiatan menarik TSC lainnya; Jika Lebih dari 5 hari tidak menerima SMS diatas, silahkan laporkan sama kami. Pastikan Saldo pulsa anda saat itu diatas Rp.10.000, -, cek ketik.888# Kemudian Ketik HBT ON kirim ke 2323.

The Texas Service Center (TSC), one of the major service center of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, recently announced that there is a physical address for applicants or petitioners to submit responses to the Request for Evidence (RFE) of their cases. The response can be delivered by courier to:

4141 North St. Augustine Rd.

Dallas, TX 75227

The TSC also offered the following pointers when submitting responses to an RFE:

Cara Daftar Tmc Tsc Telkomsel


Cara Daftar Paket Tsc

  • Do not address the response to specific officer. Instead, indicate that it is an RFE response and the form type.
  • The normal procedure is to respond to the TSC RFE PO Box as instructed on the RFE to avoid delays in processing.