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Adam was one of the biggest and strongest jocks in his school. At 17 years old and 215 lbs. Of pure muscle, he had the biggest and most ripped physique among his peers. His arms were thick and meaty. His shoulders and back were wide and combined with his. THE MALE MUSCLE GROWTH ARCHIVE VERSION 070326. 3/26/07. 4147 STORIES. Sort by Title Sort by Author Sort by Newest. Game Change - TF/TG (a 28-page PDF photo-comic) CrisKane. Hot Slots - TF/M2M/M2F (a 45-page PDF photocomic) CrisKane. A Face In The Crowd - TF/Muscle Growth. Muscle Growth (Animated GIF) CrisKane. Instant Halloween Costume: Feelin' Mighty Thor. #growth drive #Muscle Growth #sequence #growth #muscle #transformation #santa posted on Dec 25th 2019. 559 N. Noel’s a perfect fit for Santa’s suit now, but little does he know he has one last giant growth spurt left.

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Sometimes, tougher focus subjected to something “hated”, becomes a fair bigger awareness. Female muscle is a personal choice. It is no more strange than pencil thin models who’re chosen to steer the runway. Muscle is easliy found . different form of acceptance so that in anything else, be wasted be accepted by just about. But for those who wear a muscular body, it is a way of life that stands out physically but is first created along with a decision.

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Chapter 3:Muscles, Muscles Everywhere, but Not a Beach in Sight

Jake awoke thenext morning feeling quite groggy. Not to mention stiff from lying onthe concrete floor. His mind worked slowly, developing theobservation that he was indeed lying on the concrete into thequestion 'Why was he lying there?' and from there it took alittle longer to reach the answer to that one.

But when ithappened it was like a bolt of electricity jumpstarted his mind. Thememories of the other day came flooding back. And this time the nextquestion 'how could he be lying there when he was so big?' camemuch faster.

Jake rose onto hisclawed hands and looked around. The warehouse was near empty now,save for the pile of broken wood he assumed was the remains of allthe crates yesterday, pressed up against the far right wall. Theguard hut to the left was in ok condition still, but the windows init had been shattered and the front was bowed inwards somewhat. Allin all, signs that showed yesterday was not a dream were close athand.

But they stillleft him the question about himself.

Hastily he rolledover onto his rear end, shifting his tail out of the way, in order toget a better look. He was relieved to see that he was no longer sucha giant blob of dragon flesh, though the experience yesterday stillhad him with a slight gut. Nothing extreme, but his features were allslightly rounded still. A quick search of the guardhouse anddiscovery of a portable mirror confirmed it. Even his face was stillrounded from the excess weight.

Sighing he set themirror down and sat on the mattress in the guardhouse, ignoring theglass shards that did nothing to his scaly body. At least he was moremobile now, but he still felt embarrassed about his decidedly rounderbody.

'Ugh, what abizarre week this is turning out to be.' Jake sighed cupping hishead in his claws and trying to sort things out in his mind. Onething he decided, he never wanted to get that big again. Though themoment he thought that, some tiny part of him twinged.

Before he couldwork out if it was good or bad that he felt that, there was a noisejust outside the warehouse. Thinking quickly and reacting onlyslightly slower due to his still noticeable weight, Jake leapt out ofthe guard hut and then jumped up into the rafters of the buildingwith the help of his strong wings. Jakes instincts were right thistime. For while he'd hoped it had been his friends Trixy and Spud,it turned out to be two large unfamiliar figures.

'Is this wherewe are supposed to meet the boss?' one grunted, 'It's tooopen.'

'No you twit,'the other replied in a more nasally tone. 'We're meeting himtomorrow in the warehouse at the end of the dock. We just need to lielow until those rent-a-cop guards leave.'

'Right right.'The first grunted again as he eyed the guards hut. 'Looks like theywon't come in here, with how bad this place looks.'

'Ah, what do youknow? You're a huge slob anyway.'

Jake cringed asthey bickered back and forth, trying desperately to shift hispositioning. He had to move slow though and hope their arguingdrowned out any noise he might make. One too loud squeak from themetal under his claws, they'd look up, and…

Jake considered.He was still a dragon, but it would be a dangerous play. If even oneof them saw him before he knocked them out, there might be hell topay. Worse still would be if they saw and got away. Jake thought backto what his grandpa had told him, 'Yes Jake, being a dragon youshould help everybody whenever you can, humans and magical creaturesalike. However, we cannot allow humans to know about us. Thereforeyou must use the utmost caution when dealing in matters with humans.'

Jake understoodthe warning, he'd come too close to being put on display by hisformer teacher to risk more humans like him springing up from somesighting of a magical creature. Still, he couldn't deny the desireto take down these goons and stop them from whatever plan they had.But if he'd learned one thing from all his mistakes, it was towait, and be patient. The ideal time would present itself. Not tomention he might overhear more of what the thugs plans were.

'So, did theboss mention what this gig was Rocko?' The thicker of the twogrunted as he spied the portable TV Jake had been using and fiddledwith it.

Rocko glancedaround, as though checking for eavesdroppers, though thankfully hedidn't bother to look up as Jake was near directly overhead. 'Notreally. He was very vague about it. Just said some big shipment iscoming through the port tonight and he don't want nobody snoopingaround.'

'How much'sthe pay?' the other grunted getting some reception from the halfcrushed TV.

'He said sixthousand if we do the job, an extra four if we keep our traps shutand ask no questions.'

Jakes eyes widenedat this. Whatever was going down was big if two simple thugs likethis were getting such a payoff.

The larger thugwhistled. 'That's some dough.'

'Yeah,' Rockagreed as he entered the guards hut as well. 'So just remember,anybody asks, you didn't see nothing tonight. Got it?'

There was noreply, so Jake could only guess the other thug had nodded inresponse. There was no other noise then save the faint indiscerniblenoise from the portable TV. Jake shifted uncomfortably. Such a perchin the rafters was giving him cramps. But even as he got into a morecomfortable sitting position on one of the beans, he still feltcramps in his limbs. Not sure what else to do, Jake began rubbing hisarms and legs, as well as his tail in an attempt to ease the pain.

Male muscle growth comic sequence

However he got abit of a surprise in that when he placed a claw on one arm, he foundit a good bit thicker than normal, by easily a couple inches indiameter. And this time with rock hard muscle. Jake immediatelylooked himself over. While his stomach had receded to basketball sizenow, the rest of his body looked like a pro body builder.

Insane Male Muscle Growth Comics

In any othersituation Jake might have been thrilled for this, but he also knewthis was trouble. Muscle weighed more than fat, and if he was gettingmore buff there was a chance the rafters might break. Even if theyjust creaked too loud there was a chance of the thugs hearing it.

He had to find away out and fast. Looking around quickly, he spotted a skylightnearby. Moving as fast as he dared while trying to stay quiet, heinched his way along the beams to the roof window. Looking at it fromjust a couple feet below, he pressed against it lightly.

Locked. Or jammedtoo tight to move. And Jake seriously hoped it was the former, as thelatter would mean he might have to break the window.

Remembering histraining, he stuck out his long snake-like tongue, trying to ignorethe dusty taste of the metal and feel for a crack he could work itthrough. Finally he found one, and pressed through. Feeling near theedges outside, he found the simple latch and, with amazing tonguework, managed to undo it.

Jake had to getout of there, already he could feel his weight bending the metalunder him. He pushed on the skylight again. This time it was stuck.He risked pushing harder and the window suddenly flew open. Jakebarely had time to stretch out his tongue and grab the lip of thewindow frame before it broke on the rooftop.

Heaving a sigh hebegan working his way out. He just had one leg through when he headmovement below. He barely had time to get out on the roof and closethe skylight before the two thugs emerged from the guard hut.

'Did you hearsomething?' The one known as Rocko asked, looking around theempty space. There was no reply so Jake could only guess it wasnon-verbal in nature.

'Whatever,'the first thug muttered, 'We better hurry, the meeting starts inless than half an hour. If we're late the boss'll skin us alive.'

The thugs turnedtowards the door and Jake thought about what he should do. Evenflying his fastest he couldn't make it back to tell his Grandpa orFu. And even then, they couldn't handle this sort of thing. Trixy andSpud were closer, but while they had a couple of Fu's potions, thosewere for extreme emergencies.

Jake lookedaround. Well, he'd already broken his promise not to leave thebuilding, he might as well justify it.

Jake had thehardest time tailing the thugs. His body already too thick for hiswings to keep in the air, he'd had to resort to jumping from roof toroof. However, his weight proved problematic as after he landed onthe first roof it resulted in a loud bang which made the thugs jumpand look around.

Realizing thatrooftop travel would not be viable with so many flimsy roofs close athand, Jake was forced to face facts. Despite it being more dangerous,he'd have to go street level. So for he rest of the way he tailed thethugs at a blocks distance, keeping out of sight. But it was becomingharder as he continued to grow with every passing minute.

Male Muscle Growth Comic

Finally theyentered a dark green warehouse at the end of docks. Just in time to,a muscle cramp hit Jake like a brick wall and he was forced tostretch out his legs from the almost-too-small dumpster he was hidingbehind.

By now Jake couldput a pro-bodybuilder to shame. His pecs looked like half filledbeachballs and his six-pack looked more like a twelve-pack. Limbswere thicker than telephone poles and could probably lift one andswing it like a bat with ease. Even Jakes tail looked like averitable cone of overlapping muscles.

And the sun hadonly just recently set, with hours to go until midnight.

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'Damn,'Jake whispered to himself, 'Just how much bigger am I gonnaget?'

Despite his size,Jake moved as slowly and quietly as he possibly could. His Dragonears had already picked out six watchmen on duty nearby. And with hissuper hearing, he could tell where each was and the direction theywere facing. All of them, near as he could tell, were built liketanks, big and buff, but probably little brains between them.

Jake smirked, theyounger him would have barreled into that place without a secondthought, but he'd made too many mistakes in the past not to have aplan handy this time.

Almost three hourslater Jake was ready to scream with frustration. Nothing had some tomind. All the entrenches were too well guarded and his stillthickening form made stealth near impossible.

Still he watchedfrom his too small hiding spot, still hidden only thanks to thedarkness of the alley. Sooner or later there would be a gap in thepatrol. Everybody made mistakes. he just needed to be ready for it.

Still, it wasanother hour before he spotted it. A window of opportunity.Literally. The window was on the second story and wide open. Theguard had turned from the watch post to look out into the harbor.

It was now ornever.

Using some softthrown away cushions to hide his footsteps, Jake took three greatstrides and leapt a the hole. For a moment he looked good. Thentrouble struck as his too-wide shoulders wedged in it. Quicklywriggling with as little noise as he could manage, Jake squirmedthrough. And not a moment too soon. Had he still be outside he mighthave seen the guard missed looking down and spotting his tail snakinginside by just a matter of moments.

The warehouse waspartitioned unusually. Half of the building had a room which took uptwo floors of space, stacked high with crates. The other half wasdivided into two floors for offices, the upper level being where Jakenow stood. Moving as slow as he dared in order to stay quiet, hemoved towards the sound of voices which came from the other half ofthe warehouse.

By now Jake wasenormous, his height may have been normal, but all his muscle massmad him almost as wide as he was tall. His shoulders alone could havefilled any doorway, and his arms looked as big as bear kegs. Historso was bigger than any barrel and layered with every muscle shownin extreme definition. He tried to make his footfalls as light aspossible with every cautious step, but the wood still creakedominously as he crept closer.

In the center ofthe other half a large table had been set up. Various men in blacksuits gathered around talking in love voices. Even in the large roomand with his excellent ears, it was hard to discern what they weresaying. All of them looked tough though, even if they weren't asbrawny as the guards, each had the look of a man who'd seen more thantheir fair share of prison.

Male Muscle Growth Comic Sequence

Jake leanedforward slightly and watched as they huddled over what looked to beexpensive artwork laid out on the table. No doubt stolen.

Then disasterstruck.

A nearby clockstarted chiming as it struck twelve. The sound was loud enough thatJake jumped slightly and the railing in front of him broke. Jaketried to maintain his balance, but ended up reaching out and grabbingthe chain of one of the lights dangling from the ceiling.

Big mistake.

Under his massiveweight the iron bars in the ceiling bent and a whole section of theroof came crashing down on top of him as he fell to the floor.Needless to say, all the gangsters were there in seconds, guns pulledand carefully shifting the wreckage.

Male Muscle Growth Comics

Jake knew he hadmoments left, but as they all began to lift the last heavy chunk ofroof, the clock struck twelve.

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It was time...