Habbo Retro Admin Commands

Oct 24, 2017 Habbo Commands are words or phrases that when said in client, an action will be performed. This is an add on the the previous guide made which can be found here: Chat Commands: Chat away! Apr 01, 2012 Ein paar Admin Commands, von Habbo. Ein paar Admin Commands, von Habbo. Skip navigation Sign in. Habbo Retro HOW TO STAFF COMMANDS! - Duration: 3:53. SmoothCriminal643 8,268 views. Habbo Hotel UK Version: - Submitted by: Cheatsbook All you have to do is phone the normal house phone credit line on:0906 900 9100 then enter this admin code: 16858484 this will allow you to get more credits then normal user and every time you enter it doubles this is because the i.p rate goes up wich then adds 100 credits every time also.

HabboEmotion // Badges

  • Habbo Badges 6577 badges from Habbo. Tips: Enter ACH_ in the search box to view all ahievements Note: All badges was added on 12/04/2014. Clear. Blue Rune Rock X2018 Found on 9 hours ago. Green Rune Rock X2019 Found on 9 hours ago. Purple Rune Rock X2020 Found on 9 hours ago. Pink Rune Rock X2021 Found on 9 hours ago . Yellow Rune Rock X2022 Found on 9 hours ago. Rock Elder X2023 Found on 9.
  • utes ago. 1-1000; 1001-2000; 2001-3000; 3001-4000; 4001-5000; 5001-6000; 6001-7000; 7001-8000; 8001-8468; Police Force Bundle . BAB04 found on 23 November 2020 . Rare Cosy Hammock . BAB07 found on 20 November 2020 . Sew much to do, sew little time. PT832 found on 20 November 2020 . You're the beary best! US162 found on 20 November 2020 . L|VE.
  • All 8,918 badges in Habbo.de. Last updated: 1 second ago. 1-1000; 1001-2000; 2001-3000; 3001-4000; 4001-5000; 5001-6000; 6001-7000; 7001-8000; 8001-8918; Police-Force-Bündel . BAB04 found on 23 November 2020 . it's more than just music . DE60E found on 20 November 2020 . time to shine . DE61E found on 20 November 2020 . RARE Gemütliche Hängematte! BAB07 found on 20 November 2020 . Keine.
  • hi this is all staff codes i know in habbo hotel xD the hotel i play is: [TUT] Wie man habbo staff badge ändert [TUT] - Duration: 5:08. MisterFis Recommended for you. 5:08 . Fresh Hotel: Free.
  • able . Nulles cartes n'en indique le nom... mais où ai-je donc échoué ? ITE06 found.
  • Scroll down to where the badges are (you'll find them as badge_name_THEBADGECODE=The name) And you want to make a new line, and put this in - badge_name_YOURCODE=THE NAME YOU WANT and another line and then -badge_desc_YOURCODE= THE DESC YOU WANT

Alt codes are images that show up when the Alt key on the keyboard is pushed along with a series of numbers using the number pad. These images can be used anywhere in the hotel including chat, private messages, room names, etc. However, some of the Alt codes are not working due to the New Habbo.. Badges Staff Furni Achievements Discord. Habbo2020. Client Looks Editor Shop and the Marketplace Achievement(Updated) In September 2012, special codes were found in the External_Texts from the habbo text vars. These codes when said inside the client triggers the message it was originally intended to be used for. Although Habbo has patched the codes so you cannot use them anymore, here are. Habbo Staff . An diesem Badge erkennst du die Staffs vom Habbo . ADM found on 2 November 2015 . Landleben 2 . Für die Hilfe beim Pixel River . CO6 found on 2 November 2015 . Raum der Woche 2009 . 2ter Platz des Raum der Woche Wettbewerbes 2009 . DET found on 2 November 2015 . Raum der Woche 2009 . 3ter Platz des Raum der Woche Wettbewerbes 2009 . DEU found on 2 November 2015 . Codebreaker. Bonjour, Aujourdhui javais envie de faire quelque chose qui pourrait être aussi bien utile pour moi que pour tout le monde: un générateur de badge staff Il vous suffit simplement de rentrer le nom de votre rétro (5 caractères sont obligatoirement requis) et votre badge sera prêt! Accessible ici:. Commands are pre-set phrases that can be typed in while on the Habbo client, enabling a Habbo to carry out certain actions. Their main purpose is to save time, as opposed to manually clicking through the menu in order to carry out the action. There are commands that allow gestures such as waving and dancing, some that control Pets, while others are reserved for Habbo Club members

All 8,468 badges in Habbo

Makes the user's Habbo display a snoring animation, as if inactive.:kiss Makes the user's Habbo blow a kiss. (HC only):D Makes the user's Habbo appear to laugh. (HC only) b Shows the user's Habbo giving a thumbs-up (same action as:sign 13).:pickall: Picks up every piece of Furni in a user's room, placing it into their inventory. Habbo Enable/Effect Commands Habbo Retro:enable Numbers (for effects), some other retros use:effect 0 - no effect and removes effect 1 - Spotlight 2 - Blue Hover board 3 - Blue UFO 4 - Sparkle 5 - Torch 6 - Jet pack 7 - Butterflies 8 - Fireflies 9 - Love Hearts 10 - Flies 11 - Green 12 - Frozen 13 - Invisible 14 - Pink Hover board 15 - Yellow.

Habbowidgets.com may use the trademarks and other intellectual property of Habbo, which is permitted under Habbo Fan Site Policy. Made with by gerben.dev using the HabboAPI. Generated in 3ms - Current server time: 2020-11-24 07:14:57 - Version: 2.20. Alternate codes may be used, such as HS1 which is Habbo Staff 1 badge. Sometimes, a Habbo's achievement score is affected by 5, 10 or 15 points when receiving a badge, however, this is only the case for achievement badges. Badges are also gained when joining a group and setting it as a favourite. Each group badge is usually styled.

All 8,918 badges in Habbo

Habbo Retro Admin Commands

Habbo Staffs haben ein persönliches Habbo Staff-Badge, welches nur Habbo Staffs und Moderatoren haben. Wenn sich ein Habbo als Habbo Staff ausgibt, fordere ihn am besten dazu auf, sein Badge zu zeigen, falls er es nicht tut bzw. sich weigert, dann ist es kein Habbo Staff und melde denjenigen am besten an einen Moderatoren Staff's Favorite Sweet Badge Winner. You made QueenofSheba, KitchenNinjette, WaltzMatilda and Powertoo's day just THAT much sweeter! HabboQuests.com 1st Birthday . Celebrated HabboQuests first birthday! World Kindness Day 2014. You celebrated World Kindness Day with HabboQuests & HabboTiles. International Happiness Day: HabboQuests and FlyHabbo. Let's see you put a big smile on your face for.

Staffs sind die Personen hinter Habbo, die sich den Kopf auf der Suche nach neuen Ideen zerbrechen. Sie sind darum bemüht, dass alles problemlos funktioniert und allen voran, dass Habbo ein sicherer Ort ist. Kritisiert, bewundert, versuchen sie immer ihr Bestes zu geben. Du kannst sie von anderen Nutzern entscheiden, indem du auf sie klickst; sie tragen ihre Staff-Badge immer sichtbar. Der Wettbewerbsgewinner wird vom Habbo-Staff ausgewählt. 6. Sulake behält sich ferner die Disqualifikation von Badges. Badges erhaltet man, wenn man bestimmte Voraussetzungen, die man im Bonussystem nachsehen kann erledigt hat. Die meisten Badges enthalten Stufen von 1-10, oder von 1-20. Alle neuen Habbos erhalten automatisch das Tauschpass-Badge und das neue Indendität Badge Habbo benutzt.

Habbo staff codes - YouTub

  • g to be a staff member without showing the badge should be reported for staff impersonation. Hobbas and eXperts had different badges since they were volunteers. However, you may see some players showing off a special.
  • habbo staff badge maken - Duration: 4:17. HGamesClub - Comment avoir des badges sur Habbo (Code Habbo) (astuces Habbo) - Duration: 4:31. HGamesClub Recommended for you. 4:31 . Language.
  • The Habbo Intelligence Agency's Code of Conduct has been developed in order to make HIA a better place for everyone. The Code of Conduct includes ethical guidelines for employees and allies, as well as policies related to special units, Leave of Absences, inactivity, promotions, pay, the Court System, the disciplinary structures, uniform policies, commands, and human rights
  • Habbo Defence Agency aims to provide an equal and safe environment for its members. The following Code of Conduct is put in place to ensure every member helps to achieve this very ideal. The Code of Conduct (CoC) applies to every member, regardless of rank, and breaching the Code of Conduct will result in varying consequences
  • Badges: Alt-Codes: Kleine einführung ins habbo hotel: Rares : Wie kaufe ich HabboTaler: HC Möbel: Kleidung für normale und HC: Habbo Taler in Franken Umrechnen: Alle möbel : Badges : Habbo Club Der Club im Habbo: Habbo Club Gold Ab dem 13. Monat HC: Habbo Staff Mitarbeiter von Sulake/Habbo Hotel: Battleball Ruhmeshalle Für die besten Spieler aller Zeiten: Wackelkissen Ruhmeshalle Für die.
  • Download the Habbo app onto an iPhone or iPad from the app store. Afterwards, open the application and log onto your Habbo account. Note: If you have more than one avatar on your account, you will need to select which avatar to give the badge to. You will receive your badge upon logging into your account on an Apple mobile device

Alt Codes sind Bilder, die mit Hilfe der ALT-Taste und den NUM-Ziffern im Habbo Hotel geschrieben werden können. Halte dazu die ALT-Taste fest, während du auf dem NUM-Block die unten angeführten Zahlenkombinationen eintippst. Während des Eintippens musst du die ALT-Taste jedoch gedrückt halten! Solltest du ein Notebook ohne dem kleinem Ziffernblock an der rechten Seite verfügen, ist das. Habbo is in da House! 03.05.2018. Kampagnen & Aktivitäten; Diesen Monat werden wir häuslich in Habbo. Lies weiter, um herauszufinden, was es Neues geben wird! HabboEvents im Mai 03.05.2018. Hier findest du alle Events, die im Monat Mai stattfinden werden! Event von teddy_x, Musiikfreeak und kullerauge1 03.05.2018 . Das Event Frauenpower von teddy_x, Musiikfreeak und kullerauge1 ist vom 04. Er zijn codes opgedoken voor de campagne van november! Het is nu nog wachten op de meubels, waar wij na het zien van deze codes erg benieuwd naar zijn geworden! Wat je onder andere kunt verwachten zie je hieronder. Wanneer de meubels geüpload zijn lees je dit natuurlijk op HabboFever

=> Alt-Codes => Badges => HabboClub => Habbo Bot's => Habbo Gesichter => Habbo Gruppen => Habbo Haustiere => Habbo Weltweit => Hotelräume => Sprungbrett => Battleball => Habbo Staff's: Was ist Habbo? Admin: Forum: Design-Habbo Mitglieder : Badges : Habbo Club. Der Club im Habbo : Habbo Club Gold Ab dem 13. Monat HC : Habbo Staff Mitarbeiter von Sulake/Habbo Hotel : Battleball Topgamer. Habbo badges deutsch. Ich habe den Tag der Deutschen Einheit mitgefeiert! DE806 found on 1 November 2015 . Sicherheitskampagne Scamming Ich habe dank der Sicherheitskampagne nun mehr über das Thema Scamming erfahren. Ich bleibe misstrauisch, das hilft oftmals! DE828 found on 1 November 2015 . Minion Badge 2 . Starke Minion Armee! DESP2 found on 1 November 2015 . Screen der Woche Teilnehmer. Kennt ihr einen Gutschein-Code Knnt ihr ihn mir verraten BitteIch knnte euch auch dafr loben wenn ihr mir euren Habbo-Namen verratetPS Nicht dass ihr denkt ic Habbo ~ Home: Navigation: StartSeite: Neu Hier? Alt Codes: Badge Codes: J4bbo Staffs: HotelNews: Hamachi-Daten: HC Info: MOD-Info: Forum: Staff Bewerbung! Chek ein, Baby : Badge Codes : Get your own Chat Box! Go Large! Heute waren schon 0 Besucher (0 Hits) hier! J4bbo ~ Home : Du Brauchst Mehr Taler? Dann schickt eine Not-Ruf ! Diese Webseite wurde kostenlos mit Homepage-Baukasten.de erstellt. Badge Codes; Alt Codes; Staff Cata; Commands; Habbo Retros Links; Radio streaming from Mylo! Radio, Click here to request a song. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Get Started.

All 8,329 badges in Habbo

  1. To find the list of codes on the Habbo client, you just need to hover over your speech input box at the bottom of your screen and click the small question mark which appears to the left-hand side with a blue background. Once you've clicked this, a popup should appear on your screen. Using the alt codes. To use the alt codes on a Desktop PC, you need to hold down the alt key (usually near.
  2. If you have Bio-codes (you will find Bio-codes on the back of Bionicle sets), you can put these codes on the Bionicle website. If you have a few of these codes, you get your kanohi mask badge
  3. I got a bit bored the other day, and I went on a few retro's, and I saw the were using the Habbo Staff badge, and they didn't know how to change the writing on the badge. I've seen alot of people with this problem. So I decided to make them for people. Just post below what your hotels name is. (5 Letters max). If you guys want, ill make a tutorial on how to make custom badges. Anyways, Ill.
  4. Habbo Staff Rozet Oluşturucu Habbo Staff Badge Generator. Temmuz 17, 2019. Runocuyuz FanSite CMS. Aralık 23, 2018. Habbo.al Geliştirilmiş Bakım Modu. Aralık 22, 2018. Tabutçular Eşya SWF. Nisan 27, 2020. Yeni Yayınlar 3/recent/post-list Etiketler avatar (1) background (10) badge (8) bakım (2) Bakım Modu (24) bg (36) bubble (5) client (3) cms (60) Emu (4) enable (5) etki (2) exe (4.
  5. ID Badge intègre une base de données SQL (serveur SQL Firebird fournis), dotée d'un puissant module d'import. ID badge capture les photos, depuis une source vidéo ou Twain, des logos, des empreintes digitales, des signatures. ID Badge génère automatiquement des codes à barres (support des principaux formats 1D, codes à barres 2D PDF 417.
  6. Habbo is owned by Sulake, a company in England. Usually, to be hired on as Habbo Staff, You must be somehow affiliated with the creator of Habbo Hotel or the owner of Sulake

Adding badges to a Habbo Retro R63B DevBest

Habbo retro admin commands bot
  1. habbo retro staff badge codes . Help • Liste des enables Page 1 - HabboCity . Les codes pour :enable - NRJ World Habbo Officiel . Habbo Enable Codes have a graphic associated with the other. Habbo Enable Codes It also will feature a picture of a sort that could be seen in the gallery of Habbo Enable Codes. The collection that consisting of chosen picture and the best amongst others. habbo.
  2. A Habbo Live Event! Hosted by Habbo Fansites. Room owner: Amaia Room name: Fansites Connect 4! Click read more to see how to attend the event! 23rd December 11am GMT / 12pm CET - HFFM 2pm GMT
  3. UPDATE 02/03 . Heute wurde eine weitere Seite entdeckt. Sie erlaubt es dem User seine Habbo ID mit dem Hideaway Account zu verlinken. Das erfolgt alles durch einen QR-Code den man einscannen muss. Daraufhin wird man zum App Store geleitet und sobald du dich im Hideaway befindest kannst du auf dem Startbildschirm einen 32-stelligen Code eingeben und somit deinen Account mit deiner Habbo ID.

Section 4.3 - Badge Administrators. Admin privileges are earned and cannot be bought. Only trusted staff will be given admin on badges. They have the ability to accept and remove members from a group. Badge Admins are generally given to OOA+ however that doesn't mean every OOA+ will get badge admins here are some badge codes u can have on the hotel :) Copyright ©2009. Create a Free Websit Klicke einfach auf das Badge oder den Badge Button im Habbo. Wie kann ich mein Badge sehen? Du kannst alle deine Badges im Badge Fenster sehen. Dafür musst du dich in den Habbo Client einloggen und auf dein Inventar klicken (links, das braune Paket/Box). Dort siehst du das Feld Badges, wenn du nun darauf klickst, kannst du alle deine gesammelten Badges sehen. Wie kann ich ein Badge für mein. Code of Conduct. Section 1: General Knowledge. Section 1.1: General Rules. Respect everyone regardless of rank, race, religion, or gender. Do not harass members or guests. Use common sense and courtesy. Colored chat is only allowed if you are MOD+, with the exception of weekends*. Red-colored chat is reserved for Foundation. Effects and dancing are not allowed. Though, dancing on weekends* and. Der 15. jedes Monats ist in allen Habbo Hotels der Welt auch gleichzeitig der HC Zahltag. An diesem Tag erhalten alle HC Mitglieder 10% ihrer getätigten Katalogkäufe und einen HC Bonus, der sich nach der Dauer der ununterbrochenen Mitgliedschaft richtet, erstattet.Die globalen Statistiken werden dabei immer veröffentlicht.. Dies sind die Zahlen für den Zahltag vom 15

Habbo Intelligence Center Code Of Conduct. This Code of Conduct was created for [HIC] members only. All Staffs of Secret Service is to abide with the rules closely. Anyone seen breaking the rules will be dealt with appropriate punishments. General Rules:-Do not Dance under any circumstances!-Do not show disrespect to Higher Ranks!-Do not scam under any circumstance!-Don't ask for pay rights or. This Code of Conduct has been created solely for the use of SIA Members and those who affiliate with the organisation. All members include staff of all ranks, guests and others who associate themselves as part of, or in connection with, SIA Habbo. Anyone who is unable to abide by the following code of conduct will face disciplinary action. Section 1 - General. Section 1.1 - Official Rules 1. Habbo Moderatoren erkennst du an zwei besonderen Merkmalen, dass eine ist das sie vor ihrem Namen MOD- stehen haben, und das Habbo Staff Badge neben ihrer Habbo Figur. Wie werde ich Moderator? Moderator werden, ist die gleiche Methode wie bei Staffs, wenn es eine freie Stelle als Moderator gibt, kann man sich auf der bewerben I appriciate that, btw whit custom badges i ment Recoulors, or things that have bin changed a little, So using the Habbo Staff badge but change the word Habbo, I onley like badges that are more than 80% selfmade, This one is 100% selfmade Habnet Karşılama Odası BG + Floor Code. Haziran 14, 2018. Runocuyuz FanSite CMS. Aralık 23, 2018. Habbo Staff Rozet Oluşturucu Habbo Staff Badge Generator. Temmuz 17, 2019. Habbo.al Geliştirilmiş Bakım Modu. Aralık 22, 2018. Tabutçular Eşya SWF. Nisan 27, 2020. Yeni Yayınlar HabboTR Bakım Modu. Ekim 30, 2020 . Halloween ltd'leri. Ekim 30, 2020. Plus CMS. Ekim 27, 2020. Etiketler.

The general code of conduct applies to all employees of FIS regardless of rank or position The following are not acceptable at FIS: 1. Respect should be given to everyone regardless of status. 2. Double Jobbing and Self promotion is forbidden 3. Do not ask for pay,promotion or admin rights. In doing so, will result in a penalty/punishment. 4. Always follow the Habbo Way in and out of base. FBI - Special Guest <ID> This badge is for the special guests of the F.B.I. They have access to the base, however they must respect the Code of Conduct for Special Guests She has two HABBO STAFF badges. :S 23-10-2008, 01:15 AM #8. Kardan. View Profile View Forum Posts Habbox Legend Join Date Sep 2004 Location Scotland Posts 17,001 Tokens 31,033 View Awards. Originally Posted by Soil. She has two HABBO STAFF badges. :S . The script seems to be repeating badges for everyone. 23-10-2008, 01:19 AM #9. toxic. View Profile View Forum Posts Junior Member Join Date Mar. @Puhekupla_Staff berichtet über twitter, dass ab heute einen neuen Staff das Team von Habbo Deutschland unterstützen wird! In welchem Bereich er tätig sein wird ist noch nicht bekannt. Sein Avatar im Hotel ging allerdings heute schon online. Wir sagen herzlich Willkommen und viel Erfolg bei der Arbeit Habbo - Kurztipps: Nicht abzocken Lassen, So trifft man einen Staff, Tipps zu den Bonussystem Badges, Tricks in Habbo um sich zu verteidigen, Viel Aktivitätspunkte verdienen

Alt Codes Habbo Wiki Fando

Clepsidra (auch mit dem Namen Sidra) bekannt, erstellte ihren Account am 22. März 2012 und erhielt im April ihr Staff Badge. Sie wurde als neuer Staff nach der Massenentlassung eingestellt. Sie übernimmt so ziemlich alle Aufgaben; früher kümmerte sie sich aber um die Sicherheit im Hotel und um das Übersetzen von Texten ins Deutsche. Seit 2012 arbeitete sie mit polandiaa an der Seite, doch. Staffs oder Moderatoren würden nie nach dem Passwort fragen. Betrugsversuche Bearbeiten. Hin und wieder kommt man im Habbo Hotel auf solche www.gratistaler.**.**. Webseiten, oder Retro Hotels in Betaphase an. Es wird behauptet, dass der Hotelmanager auf der folgenden Webseite gratis Taler vergibt. Klickt man drauf so hat man einen Virus, Trojaner, Keylogger oder man bemerkt ein. Your clothing, however, must comply with SWAT's dress code. Please visit the Code of Conduct on our website for more details about the dress code. 4- When going on leave, you must log it through the portal. You must log a Leave of Absence if you will not be online for 14 days or more. Failure to do so will result in your badges being removed About The Habbo Retros Fansite Page. Hey all you retro fans. I have made this site so you know whats going on in the habbo world, Ever wanted a site where you can get Badge codes, Alt codes, Know what staff get, All the commands and know all the good retros and all the shit ones well you came to the right site. If you have any questions please email me at habboretrosfansite@hotmail.com ill be. Habbo Badges Furnis Imager Webpromo Pixelsearch Einloggen. Registrieren. Wann hast du Geburtstag? Füge diesen Code in deine Mission: [HV]2-:ck)nz:-9[NET] Mit dem betätigen des Buttons Registrieren gibst du uns dein Einverständnis zu unseren Nutzungsbedingungen und stimmst zu, dass du keine Habbodaten hier nutzt. Passwort vergessen. Füge diesen Code in deine Mission: [HV]2-:ck)nz.

Commands Habbo Wiki Fando

Habbo Retro Admin Commands Command

Habbohotel Welt Sicherheit Habbo Geschichte Offizielle Hotelräume Badges Staffs & Mods Habbo Guide Habbo X Alt Codes HabboClub Haustiere Kamera Öffnungszeiten Bots Gästeräume Gang Habbohome EventCenter Sprungturm SnowStorm Wackelkissen Battleball : Habbo Geschichte . Die Entwicklung. Am 16. Januar 2001 begann die ganze Habbo Geschichte, den an diesem Datum kam das erste Habbohotel online. Habbo.LC. AB INS HOTEL. Sayox & Xerra 0 User Down r63b Retro des Monats. Hubba.CC. Zum Voting. Jetzt auch Partner werden! Liveticker. Qupe gepostet am 21.11.2020 - 11:23. HabboGY eröffnet heute um 20:00 Uhr seine Türe. Sei dabei! Geburtstagskind gepostet am 31.10.2020 - 18:53. Komm jetzt auf unseren Discord und mache bei unserem Gewinnspiel mit denn wir haben Geburtstag und werden ganze 6. Habbo ist eine virtuelle Welt für Kinder und Jugendliche. Hier bei uns kannst du eigene Räume erstellen, Freunde finden und berühmt werden

Habbo Kurztipps: Tipps und Tricks, Hilfreiche Befehle, Tipps zu Habbo, Befehle, Kurztipp Jeder Habbo konnte Habbo X werden, nur er sollte bestimmte Voraussetzungen, was das Habbo Hotel forderte, erfüllen. Du solltest mindestens 6 Monate im Habbo Hotel sein, und dich zurecht finden können. Außerdem solltest du ein solides Verhalten im Habbo Hotel mitbringen, schon min. ein Möbelstück gekauft haben, und schon über 200 Logins ins Habbo Hotel gehabt haben. Wenn du diese. Habbo (formerly known as that can be purchased with actual money) have been told they will receive credit codes for use on the USA Habbo community. In January 2010, it was announced that Habbo US and Habbo Canada would undergo a merger, to be finalized in April 2010. However, in April 2010, it was announced that all English-speaking hotels will be merged as one. On May 5, the merger for.

Générateur de badge Staff - Autres ressources - Habbo-De

  1. Staffs tragen ein spezielles Badge neben ihrem Habbo, wenn du sie anklickst. Wie das Badge aussieht kannst du rechts sehen. Vom Hobby zum Beruf Wenn du ein Staff werden willst, musst du dich, wie für jeden anderen Beruf auch, auf der Sulake Homepage bewerben
  2. Last Updated on October 31, 202
  3. . • Do not dance, use effects (exceptions in CoC 1.4 (Dress Code - Part 2)) or use inappropriate language that is filtered by Habbo whilst in base. You can only dance in the VIP area
  4. 1. Badge (Must be HIA/Security/Trainer) or Veteran Badge. 2. Uniform (Agent - red/black, Security - white, Trainer - blue) 3. Motto (Make sure their motto matches their badge) Do you have any questions or need me to repeat anything? We will now briefly cover the HIA pay rules. 1. Pay times are at 6am, 12pm, 12am, and 6pm BST. You get paid 1c.
  5. Trainers are instructed to follow every line of the script. Trainers need to use colour chat during training except for RED colour chat. Recommendations are green or blue colour chat. Hello, and..
  6. LOA Guide - Habbo Intelligence Agency LOA Guid
  7. g] In the guys room now. Its something to do with habbo homes. He puffs into the smoke then the alerts and badges appear. Now loo roll badge and some other one: sending lots of alerts: Got mod tools: Now go tthe luv badge - this is fun We were all just fake.

Habbo NL/BE ‏ Verified account @Habbo_Staff Jun 14 Follow Follow @ Habbo_Staff Following Following @ Habbo_Staff Unfollow Unfollow @ Habbo_Staff Blocked Blocked @ Habbo_Staff Unblock Unblock @ Habbo_Staff Pending Pending follow request from @ Habbo_Staff Cancel Cancel your follow request to @ Habbo_Staff Habbo Secret Service. Menu. Code of Conduct Section ONE (1) - General Knowledge Section 1.1: General Rules. Respect everyone, regardless of rank, gender, age or beliefs; Do not use colored chat unless you're Senior Staff/MoD+, training or touring the Recruits. Do not use inappropriate language/swearing/caps. Do not Dance/Spam/Flood under any circumstances. Do not self-promote (SP) - breaking.

FAKE BADGES. Fakes Badges are used to try and gain access to HQ illegally. There are many accounts on the Habbo floor that have created almost-identical groups, and as such, as register has been created to recognize these badges and their owners. The owners of these Fake Badges are a threat to the White House and can, therefore, be placed on. Habbo Corporation THE DIVISION . Founded by QiuFX | Frey Established 7th December, 2015 Re-Established 14th May, 201 ID badge must have at least 1000 members; Must be opened for at least 31 days; Must not transfer HDA staff; Must respect HDA's Code of Conduct and HQ and must adhere to its rules in HDA affiliated soil; No affiliation with organised crime or illegal warfare; Must have foreign policy and interests similar to HDA's

Commands - Habbox Wik

  • HABBO HTML5 Buenas saque los (Tiene un Code por toda la CMS que con solo editar en CMS_Settings de la DB, Se cambia el nombre en la CMS)-Gran Index (De Jevvix CMS) -Integrado mi Catalogo Platino V1-Compatible con Phoenix 3.8.1-Add-ons Bueniisimos-Nuevo Me-Actualizado-Bots al 100%-Grupos 98% (Solo fallan ALGUNOS Widgets)-Homes 98% (Igualmente solo fallan ALGUNOS Widgets)-Tienda Actualizada.
  • Discuss Everything About Habbo Wiki | Fando
  • ReTweet de onderstaande tweet om kans te maken op een knuffel en een exclusieve badge! ������������♻️ https://t.co/BwzBO9dzx
  • NEO-HABBO KLEIDUNG ZUM SAMMELN: Und es gibt noch mehr! Im Laufe der nächsten Wochen bringen wir acht verschiedene sammelbare Kleidung zum Thema Cyberpunk heraus. Jede Sache kommt mit einem Badge, und wenn du alle acht kaufst, erhältst du ein besonderes Mega Sammler Badge! Alle Items sind jeweils 48 Stunden im Katalog erhältlich. Unten.
  • Habbo staff cannot make a trading pass for you. You must follow the information given here. On Android and iPhone/iPad. In order to gain access to the talent track, you need to click on someone and select trade. If you do not have your trading pass, the Citizen Talent Track will open. Follow the steps and you will get your trading pass in no.
  • Habbo (formerly known as have been told they will receive credit codes for use on the USA Habbo community. In January 2010, it was announced that Habbo US and Habbo Canada would undergo a merger, to be finalized in April 2010. However, in April 2010, it was announced that all English-speaking hotels will be merged as one. On May 5, the merger for Habbo US and Habbo Canada was complete. On.

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Best Habbo Retros

  • Badge Code Habbzz Home. Online Zeiten. Hotel Regeln !!! Hotel Staff. Hc Info. Alt Code. Es folgt. Badge Code : Habbzz.de.tl 1 Besucher (1 Hits) Schön Wêrbên : Diese Webseite wurde kostenlos mit Homepage-Baukasten.de erstellt. Willst du auch eine eigene Webseite?.
  • Real Habbo staff members and mods will never ask for these details. Password-blocking scams. Often used to trick new users — the scammer pretends that Habbo automatically censors a user's password by typing a fake blocked-out password in the chat window (e.g., Check this out! Habbo censors your password. ***** See?). If a naive user tries this, their password will appear in the chat window.
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Commands are pre-set phrases that can be typed in while on the Habbo client, enabling a Habbo to carry out certain actions. Their main purpose is to save time, as opposed to manually clicking through the menu in order to carry out the action.

There are commands that allow gestures such as waving and dancing, some that control Pets, while others are reserved for Habbo Club members. There are also some commands that only Moderators can use.

The other type of commands are Alt Codes which replace the text with a symbol in chat.

  • 1Using Commands

Using Commands

Commands are used by typing specific phrases (most are preceded by a colon) into the chat bar on the Habbo client.

Some commands have further parameters, meaning additional information must follow the command (such as a number or Habbo Name) in order to achieve the desired effect. These will be shown in italics and should be replaced when using them in-game.

If a typo is made or the command is formatted incorrectly, whatever is in the chat box will be said like normal text by the Habbo. Successful commands will not be displayed in chat.

Player commands

:chooserOpens a window which displays the name of every user and pet in a room. (HC only)
:furniLists every item of Furni in a room, allowing for easy selection of out of reach furniture. (HC only)
:sign 0-17Makes the user's Habbo display a sign with numbers 0 to 10. Typing 11 shows a heart symbol instead, typing 12 shows a skull and typing 13 performs the thumbs-up action. Interestingly, the 0 sign is the only one that isn't available through the menu.
o/Causes the user's Habbo to wave.
:idleMakes the user's Habbo display a snoring animation, as if inactive.
:kissMakes the user's Habbo blow a kiss. (HC only)
:DMakes the user's Habbo appear to laugh. (HC only)
_bShows the user's Habbo giving a thumbs-up (same action as :sign 13).
:pickallPicks up every piece of Furni in a user's room, placing it into their inventory. It has no effect on a room's pets, sticky notes, wallpaper or flooring.
:ejectallRemoves all furniture in a group room and sends it to the corresponding Habbos inventory
: xThis is used to say a user's (or Pet's) name without typing it out. To do this, a player must type : x at the beginning of the speech bar, click on a player (or Pet) and then press enter.
:mutepetsThis command allows Habbos to mute all pets in the room for the session. This will only affect the Habbo who uses the command, all other players will continue to see pet speech.
:mutebotsThis command allows Habbos to mute all bots in the room for the session. This will only affect the Habbo who uses the command, all other players will continue to see bot speech.
:newsOpens the Habbo news feed inside the client.
:habnamEnables the 'Habnam' dance effect
:moonwalkEnables the 'Moonwalk' effect (walking around backwards.
:standThis will make your Habbo stand up.
:sitThis will make your Habbo sit down.
:jumpThis will make your Habbo jump on the spot.
:YYXXABXAEnables the 'Lightsaber' effect.
:hidemouseThis command will hide your mouse cursor.
:lang [lang code]This will change the language of your Habbo client.Language codes:

EN - English
FI - Finnish
PT - Portuguese
ES - Spanish
TR - Turkish
FR - French
IT - Italian
SE - Swedish
NO - Norwegian
DE - German
NL - Dutch

:iddqdMake your Habbo room turn upside down, to reset simply click the 'Zoom' button or reload.
:zoom [0-50]This will zoom in or out of your Habbo client.
:screenshotThis will take a screenshot of the room and save it to your computer.
:visitThis will stalk the Habbo if they are online.

Pet commands

No commands for pets are preceded by a colon, all of which are available while training your pet. The experience you would receive for using the commands through training will still be awarded this way.

pet name freeCancels any previous sit, stay or follow commands given to the pet.
pet name sitCauses the pet to sit.
pet name drinkThe pet will choose any placed water bowl and drink from it.
pet name eatThe pet will eat if there is any placed food.
pet name downThe pet will lay on the floor, in place.
pet name hereThe pet will come to the spot where the user's Habbo is.
pet name begThe pet will stand on its hind legs and beg to the Habbo.
pet name play footballThe pet will play football if there is a ball placed in the room.
pet name play deadThe pet will lie on its back and play dead.
pet name stayCauses the pet not to move from its spot.
pet name followThe pet will follow the user's Habbo when it moves.
pet name standThe pet will stand normally on all fours, if it is carrying out any other actions.
pet name jumpThe pet will start to jump.
pet name speakCauses the pet to speak (a speech bubble will appear) without waiting.
pet name playThe pet will find a placed toy and play with it.
pet name silentCauses a pet to not speak, unless the speak command is given.
pet name nestThe pet will return to a placed bed.
pet name follow leftCauses the pet to follow the player nearest to its left.
pet name follow rightCauses the pet to follow the player nearest to its right.
pet name move forwardThe pet will move forward one tile.
pet name turn leftCauses the pet to face left.
pet name turn rightCauses the pet to face right.

Note: There are varied commands for some of the other pets, such as the 'Chick' can do a 'Chicken dance' where as other pets cannot. This is just one of many.

See Also

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