Cara Root Android Lollipop

Cara ampuh root android lollipop

Tapi kami tekankan sekali lagi dengan melakukan root, keamanan smartphone tidak bisa dijamin oleh produsen smartphone. Berawal dari pengalaman saya yang ingin meng-upgrade sistem operasi Android yang pada awalnya smartphone saya masih menggunakan OS Android versi 4.4.4 Kitkat dan ingin upgrade ke OS versi 5.1.1 Android Lollipop, sangat sulit. Seperti judul yang sudah saya tulis, tutorial ini di maksudkan untuk pengguna yang ingin melakukan root samsung galaxy a3 sm-a300h tanpa pc dengan versi android 5.0 lollipop dan 4.0 kitkat. Tapi, panduan ini juga bisa kamu terapkan pada tipe nomor model yang lain seperti sm-a300g, sm-a300f/fu, sm-a300m dan sm-a300y. Sebelum kita langsung membahas cara root android dengan mudah, ada baiknya kamu tahu fungsi root hp Android secara detail. Root merupakan sebuah proses yang memberi izin penuh kepada pengguna android, baik itu smartphone, tablet, atau mungkin smart TV secara total dari yang tadinya terbatas.


Many Android users now wonder how to root Android 5.0/5.1 (lollipop) since it has been released for quite some time. 'Is there any safe and easy way to root it?', someone might ask. Kingo offers every user of Android 5.0/5.1 a truly one-click rooting experience with both KingoRoot Android(PC Version) and KingoRoot (APK Version).

It is suggested that you try KingoRoot (apk version) first in that it has integrated several universal and powerful exploits and it is fairly convenient. It can save you the trouble of connecting to a computer via USB cable. But if KingoRoot apk failed to root your device, it is highly recommended that you try again with KingoRoot Android (PC Version), which intergrates more rooting scipts and has a much higher success rate.

Root Android 5.0/5.1 (lollipop) via KingoRoot.apk Step by Step

  • Step 1: Free download KingoRoot.apk
  • You will download it directly to your Android. You can find it in 'Download' on your phone.

    The download will be automatically started. If Chrome has warned you about KingoRoot.apk, click 'OK' to proceed.

  • Step 2: Install the apk file of KingoRoot.
  • When installing the apk file, you may encounter some issues. Whatever it might be, follow the system instructions.

    • Install Blocked: Settings > Security > Unknown sources > Check the box and allow.
    • You device may only accept app installation coming from its native app store, like Google Play or Samsung Apps. The apk file of KingoRoot is directly downloaded from the server of Kingo and will not be able to install on your device unless you allow installing from 'Unknow source'.
    • Harmful App: Settings > Security > Verify apps > Uncheck it.
    • KingoRoot is an exploit-based root tool. If you have no knowledge of 'Android Rooting', well, you should. Kingo exploits system vulnerabilities in order that your device can be rooted, which will be considered by Google or Manufacturers as a malicious act. But it is your choice to choose, to root or not to root. On kingo's behalf, the only thing we can do is that to make sure of our integrity and leave the choice to you.
  • Step 3: Tap the icon of KingoRoot and press 'One Click Root' to begin.
  • Make sure that you have stable Internet connection when rooting with KingoRoot. It is required because the rooting scipts used are stored in Kingo's server. Without it, Kingo will fail to root your device.

  • Step 4: Get the result: succeeded or failed.

You may want to try it a couple of times because KingoRoot.apk will only download one script at a time. Running different scripts may deliver different results.

Cara Root Android LollipopCara Root Android Lollipop

Cara root android lollipop tanpa pc

MORE TO SAY After doing all above, if KingoRoot APK still failed to root your Android 5.0/5.1 lollipop devices, hope you have a try on KingoRoot Android (PC Version), which has a much higher success rate for technical reasons.
How to root any Android device and version with KingoRoot PC Version?

KingoRoot on Windows

KingoRoot Android on Windows has the highest success rate. It supports almost any Android device and version.

Cara Root Android Lollipop Settings

KingoRoot for Android

KingoRoot for Android is the most convenient and powerful apk root tool. Root any Android device and version without connecting to PC.

Cara Root Android Lollipop Ios

Cara Root Android Lollipop 5.0.2

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